Olfactory Pathways: set of nerve fibers conducting impulses from “olfactory receptors” to the “cerebral cortex.” It includes the “olfactory nerve,”  "olfactory bulb,"  ’olfactory tubercle,’ and “olfactory cortex.” (MeSH)

Other sensory systems project most of their “inputs” from the “sensory receptors” to the “midbrain” and “thalamus.” Olfactory input takes a less direct route: the olfactory bulb sends most of its inputs to a specialized region, the ‘pyriform cortex,’ at the bottom of the brain before progressing to the dorsal medial thalamus, which then provides a rout to the “frontal cortex.” (Kolb, 56) Each olfactory “tract” arises from the olfactory bulb and diverges to the medial and lateral "olfactory striae." (Patestas, 340) The olfactory system sends its largest outputs to the “hippocampus.” (Lynch, 79) Also referred to as ‘olfactory tracts.’

Lateral Olfactory Stria: the main central pathway of the olfactory system. (Patestas, 340) Plural -  ‘lateral olfactory striae.’

Medial Olfactory Stria: forms connections with the "limbic system" and are therefore implicated in the “emotional” and “visceral” response to “odors.” (Patestas, 340) Plural - ‘medial olfactory striae.’

Olfactory Nerve: tiny “filaments” in the nasal walls. (Fisch, 382) Collectively all the olfactory axon bundles. (Patestas, 338) The 1st “cranial nerve.” The olfactory nerve conveys the sense of smell. It is formed by the axons of olfactory receptor neurons which project from the olfactory epithelium to the olfactory bulb. (MeSH)