Training Design: phase that deals with learning objectives, assessment instruments, exercises, content, subject matter analysis, lesson planning and media selection. (Instructional Design, ADDIE Model)

Creating a road-map for accomplishing business (or education) goals and performance objectives. (Prometheus, Products-ADDIE Model) Includes specifying outcomes (objectives) and how you will measure them, checking that the outcomes will satisfy the customer and match the strategic need, weighing costs and benefits of instructional strategies and media, and creating specifications that will guide product development. Typically design ends with a clear product specification. (Marshall, 9/22/2011) Design culminates in defining the overall “instructional plan” and the specific “instructional strategies” to help learners accomplish the goals specified in the “goal analysis.” (Marshall, 12/17/2011)

Goal: a statement describing a broad or abstract intent, state, or condition. A general statement of purpose or direct direction. (Marshall, 10/6/2011)

Instructional Objective(s): (specification of) what learners will be able to do at the end of an instruction. (Marshall, 10/13/2011) Describes the important outcomes intended to be accomplished by instruction. (Mager3, 3) A picture (or video) in words of optimal performance. (Marshall, 10/20/2011) States a performance that describes what the learner will be doing when demonstrating mastery of the objective. (Mager3, 82) Serves as the blueprint for designing instruction. Serves as a clear, agreed upon expectation about what the (instruction) will accomplish. Serves as an advance organizer at the beginning of instruction. (Marshall, 10/12/2011) A properly formed objective will identify the performance required of the learner, specify under what conditions the performance must occur, and state how well the performance is to be done. Parts of instructional objectives include an “audience,”  “performance,”  “conditions,”  and “criteria.” (Marshall, 10/13/2011) Also referred to as ‘general instructional objectives,’  'instructional design objectives,’  ‘performance objectives,’ and ‘specific learning outcomes.’ 

Instructional Condition: a thing demanded or required as a prerequisite to the granting or performance of something else; a stipulation. A restriction, a qualification, a limitation. (Oxford) (In instructional design), a main (desired circumstance) under which a “performance” is to occur. (Mager3, 84) Includes tools, resources, and environmental conditions. Includes everything learners have to have while they are performing. Does not include the actual instruction. (Marshall2, 10/20/2011) Also referred as a ‘given.’

Instructional Criteria: a statement as to how well you want learners to perform. Criteria include speed, accuracy, and quality. May state what is desirable and realistic for the learner to accomplish. (Marshall2, 10/13/2011) Also referred to as ‘degree.’ 

Instructional Timeline: typically, a complete timeline is developed after the “analysis” phase is complete. This is because results of the analysis phase typically direct what, and how much, design, development and implementation need to take place. (Marshall, 10/6/2011)

Instructional Test Items: while 'objective' describes where you are going, 'test items' are the means by which you find out whether you got there. Deployed during implementation and/or evaluation, but written during design. They are authored based upon defined objectives. (Marshall, 10/6/2011)