Image credit: Arthur Toga, University of California, Los Angeles

Last Updated: March 24, 2022

To find a word, use the case-senstive Search box, click an image, or click on one of the Key Concepts below

richards on the brain Strategies

Association: there are over 5,000 words in this website library, but they are all connected, like neurons. They appear in alphabetical order and are associated with similar words on a learning page. The learning pages are associated with other learning pages, and those with the library's key concept pages. Navigating the site via the images may build connections through association.

Elaboration: words are defined via the published language of experts in the key fields of neuroscience, psychology, and human biology. Expert language however, often uses unfamiliar words— such as those from the supporting fields of medicine, genetics, education, communication, and philosophy. Therefore, needed words from these fields are also included on the website.

Multiple authors comments are regularly used for elaboration. It seems easier to understand a concept if one finds it described by more than a single source.

Unless otherwise indicated between parentheses, all phrases in the definitions are direct quotes from the referenced experts. Quotation marks are omitted for ease of reading.

Repetition: a “word" in double quotes on a page means it is defined elsewhere on this site. Search boxes can be used to find double-quoted words.